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Tragically, Zamora died from HIV-related complications just days after his marriage and after the show's season finished. In another first, MTV aired the couple's commitment ceremony to each other, becoming the first real-life same-sex wedding shown on TV, according to Metro. Zamora reconnected with Sasser when he came to San Francisco for the show and they began their relationship, which Sasser allowed to be filmed, although he wasn't a cast member. Prior to the show, in 1993, Zamora met Sean Sasser at the March on Washington for equal rights for gay, lesbian, and bisexual people, according to Today. Zamora was open about his status to his roommates and to the show's audience, bringing awareness and taking a step toward de-stigmatizing the disease. In 1994, 'The Real World: San Francisco' featured Pedro Zamora, the first HIV-positive, openly gay person to star on the show. The long-running series became an archetype for many reality shows and competitions. 'The Real World' is a reality TV series that changes its cast seasonally, showing strangers living together as roommates, interacting and forming relationships. Pedro Zamora (left) and Sean Sasser (right).

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